Drone Fly-in Invitation

Are you curious about drones? Ever thought about flying one? Buying one? Ever thought about using drone technology to help your business? Or to start a new business or career? Come join us for a night full of talk (and flying) of many different types of drones and learning about the difference between flying for […]

Big Thank You to Our Amazing Volunteers

The last 5 days have seen many wonderful community events happening throughout Pine City… and in most cases they are made possible through the work of volunteers.  Coordinating the annual Freedom Fest weekend begins in January each year as we gather the committee together and start planning our fundraising, event line-up, and marketing plan for […]

Freedom Fest Celebration this Weekend

The Freedom Fest weekend activities will continue tonight, tomorrow & Sunday.  Many events on the schedule will be happening – rain or shine – but for up-to-date cancellations or location changes over the next few days… be sure to follow the Pine City Area Chamber of Commerce page on Facebook.

Succession Planning Workshop Coming May 23

Succession/Transition Planning: Where to Start? When to Start? How do we Value the Business? What are All the Options Available? How do we Pursue Them? The coming years will see the largest transfer of wealth – ever. Much of this wealth is tied to privately held businesses. For those with family members or individuals within the […]

April is National Donate Life Month

On Sunday, April 22nd, the Knights of Columbus invite community members to attend a special presentation from John Vosberg.  Hear John’s story on how his life has been saved through the gift of a heart donor.  John is now an Ambassador for the Donate Life through Life Source.  He has a powerful message about faith, […]