Pine Technical & Community College’s Customized Training Solutions Division serves as the major
regional provider of skill-based, short-term courses. Courses are conveniently offered during the
day, evening, and on weekends. With a customized approach, class sizes are smaller and students receive more individual attention and retain greater knowledge in their skills training. Many courses are designed to meet an occupational licensing or legal requirement.
Our experienced staff, instructors, and consultants work in partnership with you to ensure every aspect of the training process is tailored to your exact requirements: from the development of custom-tailored curriculum to pre-course logistics planning and post-course evaluation. Classes may be customized to fit the specific needs of your organization.
PTCC is now offering OSHA 10 for General Industry/AWAIR Training Courses. Training classes can happen at your job site or on campus right here in Pine City.
View the training brochure here for more information: