News & Events

Laura MacKenzie brings Celtic holiday music to library

The community is welcome to a free holiday program featuring traditional Irish and Scottish music by Laura MacKenzie at 6:30 p.m. Monday, Dec. 10 at the Pine City Public Library. East Central Regional Library presents MacKenzie’s Celtic holiday performance, a celebration of Yuletide favorites, many with Celtic origins, presented on a unique array of wind-powered […]

PTCC Continuing Education Offers Contractor’s Seminar

Pine Technical & Community College will host a Contractor’s Seminar for Continuing Education Training credits on Monday, January 7, 2019 from 7:30am – 4:30pm in the Pine Innovation Center. This interactive seminar is divided into three sessions. Part I will take an in-depth view of residential code requirements and best practices for stairways, landings, guards, handrails, etc. […]

Pine City Community Blood Drive, December 11th

  The “Pine City Community” Blood Drive is scheduled for the December visit on Tuesday, December 11th.  The Memorial Blood Centers bus makes a trip to Pine City every other month and rotates to different locations around the community.  For this visit, they’ll be parked at Our Redeemer Lutheran Church.  If you are interested in […]

Chamber Hosts November Networking Luncheon

The Networking Committee has scheduled the November lunch session at Pine Technical & Community College on Thursday, November 15th.  The Third Thursday Networking series was established as a way to connect our members every month in a format that fits best within their schedule.  The odd months (January, March, May, July, September, & November) we […]

DEED Launches Tool to Measure, Report Broadband Access

ST PAUL – The Minnesota Office of Broadband Development, located within the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED), today launched a new tool that will allow Minnesotans to test, map and report various broadband internet speeds across the state. is a benchmarking tool designed to gather information about the high-speed internet consumer experience […]

Pine County Hosts Public Meetings for Zoning Ordinance

Pine County will be hosting public meetings In Askov (November 1) and Pine City (November 5) to discuss the draft “Districts, Lot Standards, and Allowable Uses,” of its County Zoning Ordinance. The draft is attached along with supporting information on how the County proposes to administer density zoning in agricultural areas. This is only the […]