The Pine City Country Club was able to open for the season on Saturday, April 18th – although under some social distancing restrictions. Here are the current guidelines in place for those interested in getting out on the course.
COVID-19 Rules
Our course is following state guidelines and CDC recommendations to reduce exposure for our guests and employees. The below rules are in place to create social distancing and reduce contact points. We need everyone to follow these guidelines to avoid having golf courses closed again. Thanks!
- Please make a tee time by calling 320-629-3848.
- You may pay for your golf and/or cart on our website
- Tee time intervals are spaced out to 10 minute intervals.
- Clubhouse is closed to prevent staff and customer interaction. Bathrooms will be available.
- One person to a cart unless you are with an immediate family member. Carts will be sanitized in between uses.
- When you arrive at the course, call the golf shop to check in. 320-629-3848.
- Foam noodles are placed in the cup to avoid reaching in the hole to retrieve your ball.
- All contact points have been removed from the course (ball washers, rakes, benches, etc.)
- Portable restrooms on the course have sanitizer inside and out.
- If you have your own sanitizer and/or wipes please bring and use.
- Arrive no earlier than 20 minutes prior to your tee time to prevent crowding.
- Do not remove the flagstick from the hole
- Stay at least 6 feet apart from other people.
- Do not touch other players’ clubs or ball.
- Do not congregate in the parking lot.
- Wash or sanitize our hands before, during and after your round.
- Stay home if you feel sick or have a cough.