We are currently accepting applications for the 2024 Candidate Experience! Deadline extended! Applications are due by May 8, 2024.
SENIOR CANDIDATES: Eligible candidates must be ages 16-19 by June 1st and be a current resident with a physical address within the Pine City School District boundaries. Students enrolled at PCPS, but live outside the district may be eligible to participate. Contact the program for details. View the application here.
JUNIOR CANDIDATES: Eligible candidates must be completing Kindergarten during the 2023-2024 school year AND have a physical address with the Pine City School District. Candidates that don’t meet BOTH of the above criteria, should submit a request for consideration. View the application here.
The Pine City Ambassador Program hosts a variety of events each year as part of our “Candidate Experience”. These events include our annual scholarship fundraiser night and Coronation night. Links for more information on each of these events will be added below as they become available.

Ambassador Program Committee
The Pine City Ambassador Program is a volunteer-led initiative with nearly 40 years of history in providing mentoring and leadership opportunities for Pine City’s youth. Committee members come from all areas of the community and choose to serve on the team in an area that suits their gifts and talents. Many committee members have a personal history with the program, either as an Ambassador or Candidate themselves or as a parent of an Ambassador or Candidate. Committee members can choose to serve as an event coordinator or candidate experience volunteer and limit participate to a few months each year. Other members have chosen to serve as part of the executive committee and work with the program year-round. For more information on becoming a volunteer with the Ambassador Program, contact the Chamber Office at 320.322.4040.